Option to use Photoswipe with image block

Created on 8 March 2023, over 1 year ago
Updated 9 March 2023, over 1 year ago

In another ticket ✨ Style option for image block Fixed , it was mentioned you could use a Colorbox popup with the image block. I was wondering if would also be possible to use Photoswipe, as with the Photoswipe module β†’ ?

✨ Feature request






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πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States W01F

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  • Issue created by @W01F
  • πŸ‡¦πŸ‡²Armenia levmyshkin Yerevan, Armenia

    Hi W01F, I tried to use PhotoSwipe for EBT Image Gallery:
    https://www.drupal.org/project/ebt_image_gallery β†’

    But PhotoSwipe requires so much additional sctructured HTML and separate HTML for lightbox. Also it requires additional javascript to use options like title and description. I like PhotoSwipe animation effects, but I gave up to use it cause of complexity. So I used GLightbox instead:
    It's pure javascript clone of Colorbox, it's easy to use and customize.

    I could use existing PhotoSwipe module to integrate EBT modules with PhotoSwipe, but I like idea to fork javascript libraries on github and create drupal-library for them on packagist. It allows to install javascript libraries with composer automatically for another developers and site builders:

    According to a lightbox functionality for single image. Before I thought to use view modes and different templates for it. Then it could be possible to use different lightbox libraries. But now it's possible to use EBT settings for Lightbox and if you want another lightbox library, just don't use it from EBT settings and use View Mode instead:
    https://www.drupal.org/project/ebt_image β†’

    I added new release for EBT Image with GLightbox and also I added Image Caption field:

    It will be easier to uninstall EBT Image for you now, remove EBT Image block type and install EBT Image module again. I'm still think about better process for uninstalling EBT modules.

  • πŸ‡¦πŸ‡²Armenia levmyshkin Yerevan, Armenia
  • Status changed to Fixed over 1 year ago
  • πŸ‡¦πŸ‡²Armenia levmyshkin Yerevan, Armenia
  • πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States W01F

    Got it, and wonderful explanation - I'll be looking into GLightbox, thank you!

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