- Issue created by @andrewozone
- πΊπΈUnited States andrewozone
- Go to the ContribKanban board for Project Browser Top 100 and select an issue where a module needs a description
- Visit ChatGPT: https://chat.openai.com/chat
- Sign up or log in with an account (Google, Microsoft, or just an email address)
- Begin chatting! We suggest the following prompts:
- Summarize in 200 characters or less what the Drupal module "Module Name" does in a non-technical way.
- Summarize in 200 characters or less the following description in a non-technical way: Copy and paste content from the Project page.
- Use a character counter to verify the description is under 200 characters.
- Update the Drupal issue and follow the steps outline
- πΊπΈUnited States capysara
This looks great and makes sense to me!
- Status changed to Needs review
about 2 years ago 11:19pm 21 February 2023 - πΊπΈUnited States chrisfromredfin Portland, Maine
Following these instructions seemed to work for me. I had to simply regenerate a response one time, and for Project Browser itself, got:
"The Project Browser in Drupal helps site builders find and install modules quickly without leaving the site. It has a fast UI with filtering options and real-time access to up-to-date content via the Drupal.org API. It's useful for new users, site builders, and developers who get composer commands to install modules."
I think generally this jives, and creates a good jumping off point! Someone besides me should run with this to validate the steps.