Offering to co-maintain Juicebox HTML5 Responsive Image Galleries

Created on 17 February 2023, over 1 year ago
Updated 29 March 2023, about 1 year ago


I would like to become a co-maintainer of this module to merge the Drupal 10 compatibility patch, to fix automated test coverage, and to provide Drupal core and PHP compatibility moving forward.

I look forward to getting this module an official Drupal 10 release. If his pending request for co-maintainer status is approved, Luke Leber will probably do most of the technical heavy lifting. I will do reviews, respond in the issue queue, testing and occasional commits and rewrite the project home page and supplementary documentation, which is seriously obsolete.

📌 Task



Co-maintaining offer

Created by

🇺🇸United States Luke.Leber Pennsylvania

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Comments & Activities

  • Issue created by @Luke.Leber
  • 🇺🇸United States fkelly

    If it makes any difference, I endorse this request.

    I have emailed the current maintainer recently in line with Drupal guidelines for replacing or supplementing inactive maintainers.

    In " 📌 Automated Drupal 10 compatibility fixes Fixed " Luke has resolved issues relating to to tests which have been "broken" for two years +.

    I have contributed to this module in the past and continue to work separately on the testing issues as well as general issues related to Drupal 10. Without the ability to "commit" changes we are more or less at a dead end. It is just not feasible to continue to pile patch on top of patch without the ability to commit.

    The good news is, I believe, that with the progress Luke has made in issue 3288160 we could have a Drupal 10 release ready to go within a relatively short time period. At least for testing. And I'd be happy to test both on a local Wampserver setup and then on my production site with 100's of Juicebox albums.

    If you want to make me a maintainer also, I will also be happy to help with documentation and some of the less technical tasks at Luke's direction.

  • 🇺🇸United States Kristen Pol Santa Cruz, CA, USA

    @Luke.Leber If you haven't already, make sure to try to contact the current maintainers via their profile contact forms if they are available and make a comment here with when you sent that.

  • 🇺🇸United States fkelly

    @Kristen ... I am sure Luke will respond directly to your post. In the interim you should know that I wrote to the current maintainer two weeks ago (email). I have worked cooperatively with him (Neslee) in the past and both Luke and I hope to do so again.

    I have worked with a patch Luke proposed for the testing issues that have been outstanding for 2+ years. The patch passes testing. I have the patch applied on my local testing (Wampserver) system and am doing further testing there. There may be a few loose ends to tie up (coding standards etc. and a last pass through Drupal Rector) but I'm pretty sure we can have a Drupal 10 release in the near future. We will want to revise the project description page in synch with the Drupal 10 release and make expectations about where we are going with the Drupal 10 release clear there.

  • 🇺🇸United States Luke.Leber Pennsylvania

    Thanks for keeping me honest, Kristen! I totally missed that step for this module.

    I've contacted the following users:

    Have a great evening!

  • 🇺🇸United States Kristen Pol Santa Cruz, CA, USA

    All good 👍 lots of moving parts 😆

  • 🇳🇴Norway Neslee Canil Pinto India

    @Luke.Leber i don't have access to add you as a maintainer for this project, can add you as a maintainer for this porject! Thanks!

  • 🇺🇸United States fkelly

    @Kristen Pol ...

    Rjacobs was the initiator and maintainer of this project for YEARS. I am planning to give him a big and prominent credit in the main project page (after running it by Luke of course). But Rjacobs moved on publicly from the project years ago. He should not be kept as the owner or as a maintainer unless he is interested in active participation. IMHO.

    We should be making Luke the "owner" of this project who can then appoint new maintainers. I will work with Luke as a trainee maintainer (I am weak on GIT and wary of mucking things up) if he wants.

    For the record, I emailed Neslee on February 12 to see if he was still interested. His response here on February 28 was the first response since.

    I may misunderstand who has authority for making changes to project ownership and maintainership on Drupal. If you don't, perhaps we should contact a site moderator directly. I am familar with "How site moderators handle requests to be project owner, maintainer, or co-maintainer" and don't want to be impatient. But the Juicebox project has languished for YEARS and Luke has posted a patch that will resolve most of the outstanding issues. He's even run it through the Drupal test CI even though that was "turned off" by the current maintainer.

    Without the ability to do commits we are basically just treading water.

  • 🇮🇹Italy apaderno Brescia, 🇮🇹
  • 🇺🇸United States fkelly

    I am going to explicitly request maintainer status along with @Luke and @apaderno.

    I have spent a couple of hours today with a file comparison tool comparing Juicebox files that were initially downloaded from 8.x-3.x-dev (which I believe is identical to the alpha 2 release that is the official latest release). Even after applying Luke's latest patch, there are still issues with code that need to be looked at.

    Until we can get the maintainer "thing" straightened out, make Luke the owner and give him a couple of willing assistants, we are not going anywhere. Sorry if I seem impatient, but two plus years without any commits is long enough. From what I've looked at by comparing code, it appears to me that there are other "loose ends" from more than two years ago where patches did not get applied.

  • 🇺🇸United States Luke.Leber Pennsylvania

    Following the 14 day mark of sending the proper contact steps, I'm moving this to the project ownership queue for next steps.

    Project page link:


  • Assigned to apaderno
  • Status changed to Postponed over 1 year ago
  • 🇮🇹Italy apaderno Brescia, 🇮🇹

    I am going to contact the project owner, who is the only person who can add co-maintainers.

  • 🇮🇹Italy apaderno Brescia, 🇮🇹

    This is the message I sent.

    Hello Ryan,
    I am contacting you because Luke ( ) offered to co-maintain Juicebox HTML5 Responsive Image Galleries ( ), a project for which you are project owner and maintainer.

    Ma you post a comment on about accepting or declining the offer? Without a publicly visible comment posted in that issue in the next 14 days, Luke will be probably made co-maintainer (user with all the permissions on the project, except the permission to administer co-maintainers/maintainers).
    None of the current co-maintainers/maintainers will be removed from site moderators, nor will the project owner be changed. A co-maintainer cannot remove the existing co-maintainers/maintainers nor change the project owner.

    I am contacting all the users with the explicit permission to administer co-maintainers/maintainers for that project. In this case, that is only you.

    Best regards,
    Alberto Paderno
    -- site moderator
    -- project moderator

    The status has been changed because we are waiting for a reply.

  • 🇺🇸United States fkelly


    Luke can speak for himself but Luke and I have been contacting the maintainer (Neslee) and owner (Rjacobs) for almost a month now. We owe Jacobs a great debt for years of proficient and detailed work. I will see that he gets credit on the new project page.

    But .... we need to move this along. Luke should be made project owner (not just maintainer) so he can manage who else helps him with the project. In my opinion the current project owner and maintainer should be removed. They haven't done anything in over 2 years. Sorry to be so blunt. Two and half years ago, the current maintainer "threw" a bunch of patches at the test directory. They never passed testing. More lately he turned off testing for the project. Luke was able to circumvent that and run a patched test through the Drupal CI (and get it to pass).

    Between Luke and myself we have a bunch of stuff ready to go to make Juicebox Drupal 10 ready. Kind of hard to do without commit privileges and without project ownership.

    If you want further background on how the ownership and maintenance of the juicebox project has evolved, see: ... especially reponse #3. You were involved at that time in setting Neslee as a maintainer. Since Jacobs response on July 20, 2020 he hasn't done anything on the Juicebox project. I don't write this as a criticism, he made clear his intentions. He did a great job when he was involved.

    We need to break the logjam.

  • 🇮🇹Italy apaderno Brescia, 🇮🇹 If the user who needs to be contacted is still active on, which means he recently logged in, site moderators will contact that user.

    In these cases, there is not just a part that needs to be protected, but two parts.

  • 🇺🇸United States fkelly

    @apaderno ... I understand. My 76 year old impatience is showing, Sorry.

    Perhaps at some point the site moderators could discuss some combination of a time frame for inactivity (2 years!!) plus previously (and publically) expressed disinterest or inability to continue in a maintainership and/or ownership role as a factor in changing ownership and/or maintainership.

    Thanks for your prompt response.

  • 🇺🇸United States fkelly

    I started comment #17 earlier but realized that I had to put it in the Juicebox issue queue first. SO I complied with the rules and contacted (or tried to) Rjacobs as per the rules.

    Okay, I understand that.

    But to illustrate how these delays affect us ... I spent the afternoon trying to update my local development site to Drupal 10. That's because I got all the tests that have been delayed and fouled up for over a year to work after using Leber's patches and some work of my own.

    So, after ironing out quite a number of maddening but understandable Composer issues going from 9.x to 10.x I got the update to "take". However the Juicebox module that gets downloaded from Drupal/Composer still has Core Version Requirement set to 8 or 9. On my PHPstorm setup that takes about 3 seconds to fix. But we don't have any rights or ability to modify what's in the Juicebox project itself. No one with commit privileges is active. I suppose I will figure out a way to work around this immediate problem. But ANYONE who is using the Juicebox module and tries to run a composer update of their system is going to hit this error.

    " Problem 1
    - Root composer.json requires drupal/juicebox 3.0.0-alpha2 -> satisfiable by drupal/juicebox[3.0.0-alpha2].
    - drupal/juicebox 3.0.0-alpha2 requires drupal/core ^8 || ^9 -> found drupal/core[8.0.0, ..., 8.9.20, 9.0.0, ..., 9.5.7] but these were not loaded, likely because it conflicts with another require."

    If Jacobs were at all interested or reachable he could AT LEAST make Leber and myself co-maintainers and we could move this along. As it is we have code that's ready to test with Drupal 10 and we can't do it.

  • 🇺🇸United States rjacobs

    Hi all. It looks like I'm the blocker on all this. Very sorry! While I'm not the only maintainer, it looks like I am the only one with the perms to add new maintainers.

    Firstly, thank you to everyone for interest in this project, and for your contributions!, I appreciate your focus on moving this matter forward and apologize for my delayed response to your messages. @Neslee Canil Pinto, thank you for your maintainer-ship these past years.

    We should be making Luke the "owner" of this project who can then appoint new maintainers. I will work with Luke as a trainee maintainer (I am weak on GIT and wary of mucking things up) if he wants.

    This seems like a very reasonable approach. I want ahead and added @Luke.Leber as a maintainer with the rights to administer other maintainers. @Neslee Canil Pinto, you are already a maintainer, but I went ahead and also enabled that right to administer other maintainers for you as well. I certainly trust that the two of you can add others as you see fit, including of course fkelly.

    Sorry again to all for being barrier here. I'm still very involved with Drupal, but my personal and professional life required a pause on my specific contrib contributions. I'm very happy to see that this project still has a great life and advocates!

  • Status changed to Active about 1 year ago
  • 🇺🇸United States rjacobs

    Moving status back to "active" as I think lack of my intervention was what put this into a "postponed" state. I think this may be closed since new permissions have been granted already, but I'll leave it to others to get the final status captured correctly.

  • Status changed to Fixed about 1 year ago
  • 🇮🇹Italy apaderno Brescia, 🇮🇹

    Perfect! Since maintainers have been added, this issue can be closed.

  • 🇺🇸United States Luke.Leber Pennsylvania

    Thanks, @rjacobs. It's totally understandable that life comes before contrib :-). We'll help keep the lights on.

  • Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.

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