- Issue created by @egruel
- 🇪🇬Egypt omnia.ibrahim
I tried the patch, but the exported table data contains HTML tags.
When you select a Filtered text in field configuration, the import/export CSV return un file with 'array' in cell et not the value because textarea introduce one level supp.
Text processing = 'me text';
Textarea processing = [
'value' => 'my_text',
'format' => 'html_format'
After applying patches https://www.drupal.org/files/issues/2022-08-04/wysiwyg_support_3076448_3... → (3076448 - WYSIWYG support on each table cell for better content experience)
Try to import or export your data from a table field
I check the field definition to get value of cell_processing settings and handle the exported row to get the value in the textarea and handle the case of textarea.
I tried the patch, but the exported table data contains HTML tags.