Reposition the card centric spinner for the Svelte UI for install controllers

Created on 2 November 2022, over 2 years ago
Updated 23 May 2024, 10 months ago


When a module is added and or installed you currently have for one the prominent spinner in the center of the module card as the center of attention and at the same time you have the add/installation stage label in the lower right corner of the card replacing the View Commands drop button. that label happens also to have animated periods appended.

you have two areas of interest getting updated/animated at the same time. me as the user, in a case where the adding of a module took unexpectedly longer, was therefore visually drawn between the animated spinner and the animated label at the bottom. my eyes had to switch between the spinner, to see if it is still spinning (and the process is still running), and between the stage label (to see if the label has changed), repeatedly. visually the more or less constant jump is demanding in my case and a source of stress.

Steps to reproduce

- apply the patch in #3312289: Svelte UI for install controllers β†’
- got to /admin/modules/browse
- press the drop button in one of the module cards and click either add or install the module

Proposed resolution

i wonder if it would make sense to unify the two components by moving the rather large and prominent spinner from the center of the card down to the button area and prepend it inline to the label as well as removing the animation of the periods at the end of the label? that way the information would be more compact and everything in one place.

πŸ“Œ Task





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πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺGermany rkoller NΓΌrnberg, Germany

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