Json Api : Translation lost when loading revision with the resourceRevision parameter

Created on 11 October 2022, over 2 years ago
Updated 24 April 2024, 11 months ago


When a request is sent to json API, the language prefix in the url allow currently to get the translation of a resource.

For example, a request to /fr/jsonapi/media/image/e5bf48ba-81d5-4caf-91df-a2c0a8563440/field_media_image will allow to get the field field_media_image value for the french version of the media.

However, if a resourceVersion parameter is added to the url, the specified version will be loaded but the translation will be lost.

For example, a request to /fr/jsonapi/media/image/e5bf48ba-81d5-4caf-91df-a2c0a8563440/field_media_image?resourceVersion=id:2 will provide the field field_media_image value for the revision 2 of the media but in the original language.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Install Drupal 9.4.8 with the standard profile
  2. Log as admin
  3. Enable Media, Content Translation and JSON:API
  4. Add a second language from /admin/config/regional/language (for example : French)
  5. Go to /admin/config/regional/content-language and enable translation for the Image media and its field_media_image field
  6. Create a new Image media from /media/add/image in the English language
  7. Translate the media into the language you added and specify another image in the field_media_image field
  8. Retrieve the uuid and the vid of your media from the media table in the database
  9. Go to /{langcode}/jsonapi/media/image/{uuid}/field_media_image (replace {langcode} by the langcode of the language you added in step 3 and {uuid} by the uuid of your media
  10. See that the json result contains correctly the image you put in the second language of the media
  11. Go then to /{langcode}/jsonapi/media/image/{uuid}/field_media_image?resourceVersion=id:{vid} (replace {vid} by the by the revision id of your media
  12. See that the json result contains the image of the original language instead of the one you specified in the {langcode} parameter

Proposed resolution

A solution could be to modify the ResourceVersionRouteEnhancer.php with a new condition to check if the resource is a content one and then load the right translation in this case (pulling it from the original entity).

🐛 Bug report

Needs work


11.0 🔥


Last updated 2 days ago

Created by

🇫🇷France Nixou Toulon

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    The change is currently missing an automated test that fails when run with the original code, and succeeds when the bug has been fixed.

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