When reapplying a recipe, the most desirable result will likely be #3307646: Merge in config updates when (re)applying a recipe → . However, there will still be a use case for reverting config. Per @alexpott in #3283900-6: Define recipe runtime configuration update requirements → :
I think we should consider in future allowing recipes to be force applied and overwrite configuration in a more destructive manner - and present diffs etc so people will know what's going to change but I view this as stuff for later. I think for now what we have to do is the straghtforward case of not breaking your site and erroring when the requirements are not met. We can deal with the more complex situations later as the requirements for doing that become more apparent.
When reverting is chosen, merge the config as currently provided into a snapshot of the config as previously installed per #2960870: Snapshot configuration as installed and updated from recipes and extensions → , so that changes made through config actions are not lost. Then overwrite the active version.
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