- 🇺🇸United States smustgrave
Would a submodule be best for this? Not sure what ECA requires.
- 🇺🇸United States glottus
I had a need for this, too, so I wrote this submodule which seems to work pretty well. It could use some review and polish, however.
I'm not sure if it's necessary to pass the $entity to the execute() function, for example, and I'm not sure if this strictly depends on the drupal/node, they were carried over from how I had written this for Business Rules and/or other ECA submodules I was using as inspiration.
- Status changed to Needs review
4 months ago 3:25pm 25 October 2024 - 🇮🇹Italy kopeboy Milan
Any core action will be picked up by ECA.
I don't have a Slack server to try but the patch seems good?
Maybe a doubt about token substitutions: I'm not sure if ECA will automatically apply substitutions or you need to do it in your action code, but it the latter case, I would allow even the channel and user to be tokenized.