In #3301731: Write a media_duplicates provider for Slideshow Media type → we created a media_duplicate provider for the media entity "slideshow". Currently, if the slideshow has the same media entities in the same order, it is flagged as a "duplicate".
We should add additional "duplication condition" settings, to let the user decide, under what circumstances a slideshow entity is flagged as a duplicate. For example: "Flag as duplicate when the referenced entities are included, but ignore the slideshow order".
We could also create a separate submodule of "media_duplicates" to create an interface for other media entity types to inherit this functionality from.
As this isn't totally specific to slideshow, it might also later be added (e.g. as a submodule) to media_duplicates.
Create "duplication addition settings" in the media entity type form (/admin/structure/media/manage/slideshow). Each form field should have a boolean checkbox indicating if the field and its value should be included in the checksum creation.
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