Adding a facet search to a menu leads to fatal errors.

Created on 5 April 2022, almost 3 years ago
Updated 22 April 2024, 11 months ago


I'm Trying to add a menu link to a pre-selected facet page, but it is throwing a fatal for the route parameters being too long

Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageException: SQLSTATE[22001]: String data, right truncated: 1406 Data too long for column 'route_param_key' at row 1

The param key is full of empty values:

This looks to be the way it's allowing facet pretty paths to work in the first place?


  public function pushRequest(RequestStack $request_stack, $route_title, $filters) {
    // We need to use a dummy, albeit existing route (in this case system.admin)
    // so that Url objects can be built for this route. Otherwise, calls to Url
    // will not work as the route does not exist.
    $route = new Route('admin/{facets_query}/{f0}/{f1}/{f2}/{f3}/{f4}/{f5}/{f6}/{f7}/{f8}/{f9}/{f10}/{f11}/{f12}/{f13}/{f14}/{f15}/{f16}/{f17}/{f18}/{f19}/{f20}/{f21}/{f22}/{f23}/{f24}/{f25}/{f26}/{f27}/{f28}/{f29}/{f30}/{f31}/{f32}/{f33}/{f34}/{f35}/{f36}/{f37}/{f38}');
    $route->setDefault('_title', $route_title);
    $route->setRequirement('facets_query', '.*');
    $route->setDefault('facets_query', '');

There has to be a better way here?

🐛 Bug report






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🇨🇦Canada b_sharpe

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  • 🇳🇿New Zealand andyd328 Lyttelton, NZ 🇳🇿

    Thanks for posting the link & workaround, very much appreciated!

  • 🇧🇪Belgium fernly

    This long route makes this feature basically unusable. Fatal errors popping up all over the website due to this long route. Any updates on this?
    It's hard to make a webmaster use base:... in all kinds of places on the website. However, thanks for this workaround.

  • The problem is that instead of just saying "We support {n} facets in the url" this module uses up as many as possible. This is a problem in building the menu because the url parameters are also stored in 255 chars but core adds some more stuff to it first putting it just over the limit.

    Technically this is core's fault but if we're willing to limit the number of filters we can have active at a time we can work around it by lowering the maximum length. For us 240 was low enough to stop the error but this patch sets it to 200 just to be safe. (This only allows 22 filters enabled at a time, but I figure that's good enough)

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