I'm Trying to add a menu link to a pre-selected facet page, but it is throwing a fatal for the route parameters being too long
Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageException: SQLSTATE[22001]: String data, right truncated: 1406 Data too long for column 'route_param_key' at row 1
The param key is full of empty values:
This looks to be the way it's allowing facet pretty paths to work in the first place?
public function pushRequest(RequestStack $request_stack, $route_title, $filters) {
// We need to use a dummy, albeit existing route (in this case system.admin)
// so that Url objects can be built for this route. Otherwise, calls to Url
// will not work as the route does not exist.
$route = new Route('admin/{facets_query}/{f0}/{f1}/{f2}/{f3}/{f4}/{f5}/{f6}/{f7}/{f8}/{f9}/{f10}/{f11}/{f12}/{f13}/{f14}/{f15}/{f16}/{f17}/{f18}/{f19}/{f20}/{f21}/{f22}/{f23}/{f24}/{f25}/{f26}/{f27}/{f28}/{f29}/{f30}/{f31}/{f32}/{f33}/{f34}/{f35}/{f36}/{f37}/{f38}');
$route->setDefault('_title', $route_title);
$route->setRequirement('facets_query', '.*');
$route->setDefault('facets_query', '');
There has to be a better way here?