- 🇬🇧United Kingdom jonathanshaw Stroud, UK
Tests are still green, still RTBC. The D10 test failure is unrelated to any change in this MR.
- 🇮🇱Israel jsacksick
hm... But does this still aply after ✨ Stripe Charge to Stripe PaymentIntent Fixed got in?
- 🇬🇧United Kingdom jonathanshaw Stroud, UK
I thought it wouldn't do, but I reran the tests and they're still green:
https://www.drupal.org/pift-ci-job/2576783 → - 🇬🇧United Kingdom jonathanshaw Stroud, UK
Ah, my bad: the MR needs a rebase, it doesn't automatically run against latest master.
- 🇬🇧United Kingdom jonathanshaw Stroud, UK
No significant conflict with ✨ Stripe Charge to Stripe PaymentIntent Fixed , Gitlab handled automatic rebase fine.
jsacksick →
committed f76d673d on 8.x-1.x authored by
jonathanshaw →
Issue #3259349 by jonathanshaw: Allow for payments without stripe review...
jsacksick →
committed f76d673d on 8.x-1.x authored by
jonathanshaw →
- Status changed to Fixed
about 2 years ago 10:30am 7 February 2023 Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.