Multiline config export can create files missing blank line at EOF

Created on 30 September 2021, over 3 years ago
Updated 7 June 2024, 9 months ago


When configuration is exported, if the last item that is exported is a multiline value the file will not end with a blank line. This causes problems with code validation tools that expect a blank line at the end of the file, e.g. Coder.

Steps to reproduce

Export a configuration item that has a multiline string at the end of the file, e.g. a block definition with visibility rules that has multiple paths entered.

Proposed resolution

Have the configuration system verify that there's a blank line at the end of each file prior to exporting.

Possible workaround is to use the multiline_config β†’ module.

Remaining tasks

Provide a patch to fix the error.

User interface changes


API changes


Data model changes


Release notes snippet


πŸ› Bug report



11.0 πŸ”₯

ConfigurationΒ  β†’

Last updated 1 day ago

Created by

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States DamienMcKenna NH, USA

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  • Needs tests

    The change is currently missing an automated test that fails when run with the original code, and succeeds when the bug has been fixed.

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  • πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§United Kingdom AaronMcHale Edinburgh, Scotland

    Does anyone have a quick fix for this? It's mildly annoying to have to go through each file and manually add a new line after every config export.


  • πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States DamienMcKenna NH, USA

    I've been using multiline_config to work around the problem.

  • πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§United Kingdom AaronMcHale Edinburgh, Scotland

    @DamienMcKenna thanks, does multiline_config actually have any effect in 9.3 onwards? The project page states that the module is no longer needed in 9.3+, yet obviously the issue of no new line at the end of a file is still a problem, so maybe I'm missing something?

  • πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States DamienMcKenna NH, USA

    It's not technically needed, but it still works and can work around this core bug.

  • πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§United Kingdom AaronMcHale Edinburgh, Scotland

    Awesome, will give it a try!

  • πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States jrearick Iowa

    We are affected by this as well. Our linters are calling this out as an error. In our example, we're seeing this in `` where the `options` key is the last one and multiline. Our workaround was to add extra line breaks in the webform yml editing UI.

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