- 🇮🇹Italy mxt Milan
Any news on this?
My use case: send a custom email every time a user completes the subscription process for a newsletter.
Thank you!
- 🇬🇧United Kingdom adamps
I feel the question is over maintenance. We should assume that the community for simplenews will typically not use ECA so they will not test this integration. Also I don't feel that we should add an extra test dependency for this module as the tests are slow and complex enough already. Therefore it feels to me that if the code lives here, it will be unmaintained.
If the ECA team are willing to maintain the code then it can live in an ECA module. If not, then like you say, it's waiting for someone else to volunteer to maintain it and so create eca_simplenews.
- 🇩🇪Germany jurgenhaas Gottmadingen
I can't really tell since I don't know about the inner workings of simplenews. Are the subscriptions stored as entities? Are there any events or hooks dispatched that ECA could use to hook into the processes? Regardless, I don't have the bandwidth to develop the integration myself. So somebody with a need (and budget) should get this going. In that case, I'm always around and happy to help.
- 🇺🇸United States chucksimply
Want to keep this thread alive. ECA integration is pretty essential to the future of this module, with ECA becoming such a foundational piece of Drupal.
- 🇬🇧United Kingdom adamps
Currently ECA is used on 5000 sites and appears on approx the 20th page of the list of modules ordered by most installs.