- 🇳🇱Netherlands johnv
The problem is not only for this view, but for every view.
I am doing bulk updates for comments list with pagination.
I have a view to display list of unpublished comments with pagination.
I am displaying 10 comments and operation is to publish the comments.
Suppose there are 12 unpublished comments.
I am on page 2 and select all comments(2 on second page) to publish. Once the operation is performed, it stays on page 2 with message, "No comments found".
In actual, there are 10 comments present on page 1.
In this case, it should be redirected to page 1 but it is staying on page 2.
Drupal version : 8.9.14
PHP Version: 7.4.15
Steps to Reproduce the Issue:
1. Install Drupal
2. log in as an admin
3. Go to "admin/structure/views/view/content"
4. And update the "items per page" to 4 from the Pager option.
5. Now create 10+ dummy content.
6. Go to the "/admin/content" page.
7. Go to last page of the content list.
8. Select all the content and delete them.
9. Verify the page number. The page number is updating to 2, but no content is displayed, while we have content on that page.
(This is the issue that we fix in this ticket).
Needs work
11.0 🔥
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Not all content is available!
It's likely this issue predates Contrib.social: some issue and comment data are missing.
The problem is not only for this view, but for every view.