🇮🇳India mahesh.umarane
I have upgraded the fast_404 module to 3.2 but still the issue is not resolved. Any other things can be tried?
🇮🇳India mahesh.umarane
This i have already added in my .htaccess code ExpiresDefault "access plus 1 year"
For me, it's not only for first time, it's always happening.
🇮🇳India mahesh.umarane
🇮🇳India mahesh.umarane
Here are the steps to reproduce.
1. Enable the CSS aggregator
2. Go to site homepage and press F12 to see the Network tab
3. Select CSS in Network tab
4. Select 1st CSS and click on Header tab
5. For non-logged in user, Cache-control should be Public or with max-age as set in .htaccess file
6. But it's showing cache-control: no-store, private
🇮🇳India mahesh.umarane
🇮🇳India mahesh.umarane
I have also tried below alternative but it's still not working,
<FilesMatch "^(css|js)_[A-Za-z0-9-_]{43}.(css|js)(\.gz)?">
# No mod_headers
<IfModule !mod_headers.c>
# Use Expires Directive.
<IfModule mod_expires.c>
# Do not use ETags.
FileETag None
# Enable expirations.
ExpiresActive On
# Cache all aggregated css/js files for 480 weeks after access (A).
ExpiresDefault A290304000
<IfModule mod_headers.c>
# Set a far future Cache-Control header to 480 weeks.
Header set Cache-Control "max-age=290304000, no-transform, public"
# Set a far future Expires header.
Header set Expires "Tue, 20 Jan 2037 04:20:42 GMT"
# Do not use etags for cache validation.
Header unset ETag
🇮🇳India mahesh.umarane
🇮🇳India mahesh.umarane
mahesh.umarane → created an issue.