- 🇨🇭Switzerland Lukas von Blarer
luksak → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
- 🇨🇭Switzerland Lukas von Blarer
I took a first stab at this.
There is an incompatibility with commerce_stock_enforcement. There are errors when clicking one of the actions in the success dialog. The happen because the form state is missing, but we're still extending the
. Here is the error:TypeError: commerce_stock_enforcement_get_context(): Argument #1 ($entity) must be of type Drupal\commerce\PurchasableEntityInterface, null given, called in /app/web/modules/contrib/commerce_stock/modules/enforcement/commerce_stock_enforcement.module on line 160 in commerce_stock_enforcement_get_context() (line 317 of modules/contrib/commerce_stock/modules/enforcement/commerce_stock_enforcement.module).
So I tried to still call
, but hide the elements. That works for me so far.I haven't looked into the "Out of stock" button behaviour of commerce_stock so far. I'm using a quite customized add to cart form.
- Merge request !6Issue #3212365: Fixing incompatibility with commerce_stock_enforcement → (Open) created by Lukas von Blarer