Account created on 3 May 2017, about 7 years ago

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So far, I've found that nothing seems to work with the latest versions of the Bootstrap 5 Barrio theme and Drupal 10. Here's what I've done up to this point:

I installed the latest versions of Drupal (10) and the Bootstrap 5 Barrio theme.
I attempted to fix the "sticky-top" issue using various approaches, including commenting out the tags that encapsulate the header region and adding sticky-top to the header region through configuration hooks. Unfortunately, these methods have not resolved the issue​1​.
Another approach I tried was to add a function in my my_theme.theme file that checks the navbar's position and, if necessary, sets it to sticky-top. Despite this, the issue persists​1​.

I'm currently looking for further solutions and would greatly appreciate any help. Please let me know if you have any suggestions.

same issue, i set it up with the submodule glossify taxonomy tootips, the settings are correct but don't work, no error.. only i i go to /admin/structure/views and i ownload a .csv from my own view, after reload i riceve this error:

arning: DOMDocumentFragment::appendXML(): Entity: line 4: parser error : Double hyphen within comment: <!-- FILE NAME SUGGESTIONS: * glossify-link in Drupal\glossify\GlossifyBase->parseTooltipMatch() (line 184 of modules/contrib/glossify/src/GlossifyBase.php).

Drupal\glossify\GlossifyBase->parseTooltipMatch('Lorem ipsum demo text', Array, '0', '1', 'links', '0', '/taxonomy/term/[id]', 'de') (Line: 166)
Drupal\glossify_taxonomy\Plugin\Filter\TaxonomyTooltip->process('Lorem ipsum demo text .......
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