Improve Background-Images and Videos by adding further options

Created on 9 March 2021, almost 4 years ago
Updated 8 March 2024, 12 months ago

There is so much potential in background images/videos, but currently we need to write custom formatter classes to modify them, for example to align them right in the current context.

  1. background image imagecache/responsive image style: Currently we set a fix responsive image style (kinda 16:9), what works well for bg images which run on full width, but if you have something like a 50/50 layout and only one column has a background image, its more like a portrait format. So much image content is cropped and the user (nor we) has no chance to fix this.
  2. background image: position (top-left, top-centet, top-right, ..). Probably some kind of a 3x3 grid of radio buttons group
  3. background size: cover, contain and probably percentage?
  4. background color (colorpicker widget, add a hint, that this will override the box-style bg color if set)
  5. background blend mode as radio buttons, so we're able to show a preview =>
Feature request

Needs work





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