- 🇪🇨Ecuador BetoAveiga Daule, Guayas
This is just a re-roll for Drupal 9.4.10 of the current patch.
At core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/ContentEntityStorageBase.php on setPersistentCache function, cache entries are created with tags that are too generic. We can use the entity information to also add tags specific to each entity in order to have a better cache invalidation.
Our particular issue is related to Memcache entries that when not cleared properly are showing multiple current revisions in the revisions table, and using the previous current revision for rendering the node.
(Detailed instructions on how to reproduce the issue, including exact versions used, specific paths to visit, what actions to take, etc.)
Inspecting cache entries I noticed that the data for the cache entry that was not being invalidated properly has only 'node_values' & 'entity_field_info' tags, which is missing useful entity cache tags.
Append the entity that is being stored as data in the cache entry.
(reviews needed, tests to be written or run, documentation to be written, etc.)
None expected.
None intended.
None intended.
(Major and critical issues should have a snippet that can be pulled into the release notes when a release is created that includes the fix)
TBD. Might change as this gets reviewed, right now this issue is "Normal", not Major or Critical.
Needs work
Not all content is available!
It's likely this issue predates Contrib.social: some issue and comment data are missing.
This is just a re-roll for Drupal 9.4.10 of the current patch.