- 🇳🇿New Zealand quietone
What is the state of this initiative? It has been three years since this issue was opened and there has been no further discussion or action.
And core are already issues throughout core to document various aspects of the render array and elements. Is this issue needed?
- Status changed to Postponed: needs info
7 months ago 10:01am 11 July 2024 - Status changed to Active
7 months ago 11:56am 11 July 2024 - 🇨🇭Switzerland florianmuellerch Aarau, Switzerland
@quietone Thanks for the engagement :-)
I raised the issue out of the experience that all developers that I newly introduced into the Drupal ecosystem seem to struggle to grasp this concept, and still to this day, I didn't find neither a really comprehensive guide, nor an absolute overview over possible render array keys.
This does not only need to be in documentation: Imagine a contrib module that goes through all modules and lists their render array keys. However I'm not sure if, as a contrib module, you would have access to list all the types and themes built into the core itself.
There's just guidance and overview that is still lacking. If you have good resources (maybe also from elsewhere) please feel free to share!
- 🇳🇿New Zealand quietone
@florianmuellerCH, I don't know of any 'good resources'. I rarely do anything with the render API.
For this issue, I am trying to figure out what the plan is. What is the next step?
- 🇨🇭Switzerland florianmuellerch Aarau, Switzerland
Someone with a bit of time on their hands should create a guide on drupal.org (I don't even know how that would work) and start a comprehensive documentation about how render arrays are working and how they're supposed to be used. Therefore I suggest to leave it open until we find that "someone".