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Conflicts with 📌 Move the gtag_domain condition plugin to a submodule Closed: won't fix
We have a multi-domain site and we have created the different containers with specific GTM tags in order to apply only to a specific domains. Unfortunately, after checking the option "Only the selected domains”, it is not working as expected. It only works if we check the option to allow all domains, and that is obviously not what we are looking for, because they are all being listed. We’ve tried all the listed issues but none are working for us apparently. We provide further details to be helpful.
Steps to reproduce:
• Install Domain (Multi-domain project)
• Create two different domains.
• Create a container with the condition of showing only on one domain.
• Visit the domain and confirm that the tag is not injected.
Expected behavior:
• Every domain has its unique GTM tag added to the page source.
Current behavior:
• Tags are not injected into the specific domain.
• If we select any domain, the conditions where it checks if the current domain is the one selected never goes TRUE.
• If the option used is “All domains except the selected domains” and we don’t select any domain, then the tag is being displayed in all domains.
All the patches and issues related in the past with something similar couldn’t been applied or simulate directly on the code.
Needs review
Not all content is available!
It's likely this issue predates Contrib.social: some issue and comment data are missing.
Conflicts with 📌 Move the gtag_domain condition plugin to a submodule Closed: won't fix