Pre-expand existing references with cardinality = 1

Created on 2 June 2020, almost 5 years ago
Updated 6 May 2024, 10 months ago

We have multiple entities referencing one entity type, it's a 1:1 and required. It functionally works.

It works great, on the entity create form, the referenced entity is expanded (the content of this tab is IEF).

But when editing, it's not expanded.

The cardinality is 1 here, and users cannot delete entities, so having the "Edit" and "Remove" button in this case is unnecessary.

Tried various options but couldn't find anything that would pre-expand the reference on edit. Ideally, editing a parent entity in this case should look exactly like adding one.

✨ Feature request

Closed: duplicate





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πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States djdevin Philadelphia

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