- 🇳🇴Norway zaporylie
I am unsure if the AvailabilityOrderProcessor is the right place to dispatch the event. if it's dispatched from somewhere I think it should be the AvailabilityManager itself.
Frankly, I am not sold on the idea of removing unavailable order items from the cart either. I think this results in very bad UX, especially when an order item is deleted programmatically without the customer really noticing it. This could be a problem, especially if the average cart contains many order items with low prices and low quantities, like groceries, etc. In such case the customer might not even notice that items were removed.
In fact, all projects that I implemented in the recent past had the AvailabilityOrderProcessor removed altogether because of that non-optimal UX behavior.
I think a possibly better way to approach this is to label unavailable order items as such during AvailabilityOrderProcessor run ✨ If order item is not available prevent checkout completion rather than deleting it from cart Active
- 🇦🇹Austria agoradesign
agree. this leads me thoughts into the direction that it would be nice to have the possiblity to add some kind of messages to a cart. Like "item XY is not available anymore. Please remove it from your cart..." or maybe then we even could remove it, but show the message to the customer... or like Amazon notify of price changes. afaik, there's already an issue for this