Rename drupal/dev-dependencies and drupal/pinned-dev-dependencies

Created on 29 October 2019, over 5 years ago
Updated 1 May 2023, almost 2 years ago

For a variety of reasons, known and unknown, in order to upgrade between major versions of drupal (and potentially minor versions), for users that are starting with 8.8.x or 8.9.x, and using the drupal/recommended-project template, they must upgrade *both* the drupal/core-recommended *and* the drupal/dev-dependencies, and for consistencies sake, should probably
also update core-vendor-hardening and drupal/core-composer-scaffold.

The following command is something that will work, but is somewhat unwieldy:

composer require drupal/core-recommended:^9 drupal/dev-dependencies:^9 drupal/core-vendor-hardening drupal/core-composer-scaffold --update-with-dependencies

The ideal command would be:

composer require drupal/core* --update-with-dependences

In order to do this, we should rename both drupal/dev-dependencies and drupal/pinned-dev-dependencies to start with core
(drupal/core-dev and drupal/core-dev-pinned) dropping the term "dependencies" to keep the packagenames manageable and eliminate redundancy.

Feature request



8.8 ⚰️


Last updated about 13 hours ago

Created by

🇺🇸United States Mixologic Portland, OR

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