Newline process plugin

Created on 22 July 2019, over 5 years ago
Updated 28 March 2024, 12 months ago

While migrating from WordPress, I faced with the need of converting newlines into HTML breaks, as WP -> Drupal could be a popular migrate path, a plugin could be interesting for others as well.

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Closed: won't fix





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🇭🇺Hungary aron novak Hungary, Budapest

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  • 🇩🇪Germany Anybody Porta Westfalica

    @heddn just came across this issue, sorry for the X-posting, but we're running into a similar situation with a Drupal 7 migration.
    The Drupal 7 project used \n for line breaks (I think an old CKEditor standard), combined with the "Convert line breaks into HTML" input filter, but the new D8+ standard seems to be to not use that filter because CKEditor uses <p> and <br>.

    So with the generated migration, we "lose" the linebreaks (unless we activate the input filter in D8+).

    So TL;DR:
    This might not be an edge-case for D7 source migrations and migrate_plus might not be the right place to fix this, but if it's a typical thing, we should perhaps at least document how to exactly implement the callback process plugin for this case.
    Eventually there should even be a conversion for body fields by default?

    This article reports something similar:

    Are you aware of that? What do you think?

    Of course we can proceed the discussion somewhere else, but this was the only related issue I found for that very similar case.


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