- 🇺🇸United States dmundra Eugene, OR
I don't believe the patch from https://www.drupal.org/project/imagewebp/issues/3057526#comment-14056426 🐛 WebP images not rendering on the front-end Fixed has made it into the dev version. I think maybe a new issue to incorporate it and then test it might be good or this issue can be reopened as well.
- 🇺🇸United States cpa2client
same issue here, webp files generate but are not shown on front end. I use boost cache on this site.
- 🇭🇺Hungary danyg Budapest
Hi there, well the patch was written 2 years ago and we have updated releases on this module since then.
I haven't checked the latest one yet, but I'm planning it - hopefully - soon.
@cpa2client in https://www.drupal.org/project/imagewebp/issues/3057526#comment-14072706 🐛 WebP images not rendering on the front-end Fixed I added the trick to override the theme_image implementation in your theme, is it possible that this is missing from your code and does it lead to your issue at the front-end? - 🇭🇺Hungary danyg Budapest
@cpa2client with the latest stable release we don't need to override the theme_image in the theme's template.php. Boost shouldn't have an effect on rendering. Can you add more details about your problem?
@dmundra I can confirm that the patch was merged and the current stable release (7.x-1.2) contains most part of it. Can you add more details about your issue?
I added a patch for Views integration for the most common Image formatter, so if it came from Views pages, you can give it a chance.
- 🇺🇸United States dmundra Eugene, OR
@danyg you are right. I will submit a new issue of what I was running into and it is mostly to do with private files.
- 🇮🇷Iran Mehrdad201
Hi all friends
I used patch from comment #20 (in top of comments).
I applied it on both .dev and 7.x-1.2 versions. php is 5.6.
In both cases, I faced bug
Fatal error: Call to undefined function _imagewebp_get_affected_images() in
it seems function _imagewebp_get_affected_images not exists.
what can I do?
- 🇭🇺Hungary danyg Budapest
@Mehrdad201 you don't need to patch the v1.2 release with thi patch. The mentioned patch had been created in 2021 and the latest stable release uses a different approach and you don't need to use this patch. I would strongly recommend to upgrade your PHP at least to 7.4 if you have chance to do this. That will make a big performance impact, I believe.