- 🇮🇹Italy afagioli Rome
No more support for BAT on Drupal 7.
Latest BAT for Drupal 10 has most of the bugs fixed.
Consider upgrading.
On "/admin/bat/calendar/all" page, the slots names are not translated (excepted "Month"!?)
To translate them, I changed the "bat_fullcalendar.module" file like that:
function bat_fullcalendar_configure($user_settings) {
$config = array(
'schedulerLicenseKey' => $schedulerlicensekey,
'themeSystem' => 'standard',
'unitType' => '',
'eventType' => '',
'grouping_entity_type' => '',
'grouping_ids' => '',
'collapse_childrens' => 0,
'eventGranularity' => $user_setting['eventGranularity'],
'locale' => $language->language,
'slotWidth' => FALSE,
'calendarHeight' => 500,
'editable' => TRUE,
'selectable' => TRUE,
'eventStartEditable' => TRUE,
'eventDurationEditable' => TRUE,
'headerLeft' => 'prev, today, datepicker, next',
'headerCenter' => 'title',
'headerRight' => $calendar_views,
'views' => $calendar_views,
'defaultView' => $default_view,
- 'viewsTimelineDayButtonText' => ':15 slots',
+ 'viewsTimelineDayButtonText' => t(':15 slots'),
'viewsTimelineDaySlotDuration' => '00:15',
'viewsTimelineDaySlotLabelFormat' => FALSE,
'viewsTimelineDayTitleFormat' => '',
- 'viewsTimelineSevenDayButtonText' => '7 days',
+ 'viewsTimelineSevenDayButtonText' => t('7 days'),
'viewsTimelineSevenDayDuration' => array('days' => 7),
'viewsTimelineSevenDaySlotDuration' => '01:00',
'viewsTimelineSevenDayTitleFormat' => '',
'viewsTimelineSevenDaySlotLabelFormat' => FALSE,
- 'viewsTimelineTenDayButtonText' => '10 days',
+ 'viewsTimelineTenDayButtonText' => t('10 days'),
'viewsTimelineTenDayDuration' => array('days' => 10),
'viewsTimelineTenDaySlotDuration' => '01:00',
'viewsTimelineTenDaySlotLabelFormat' => FALSE,
'viewsTimelineTenDayTitleFormat' => '',
- 'viewsTimelineThirtyDayButtonText' => '30 days',
+ 'viewsTimelineThirtyDayButtonText' => t('30 days'),
'viewsTimelineThirtyDayDuration' => array('days' => 30),
'viewsTimelineThirtyDaySlotDuration' => '01:00',
'viewsTimelineThirtyDaySlotLabelFormat' => FALSE,
'viewsTimelineThirtyDayTitleFormat' => '',
- 'viewsTimeline365DayButtonText' => '1 year',
+ 'viewsTimeline365DayButtonText' => t('1 year'),
'viewsTimeline365DayDuration' => array('days' => 365),
'viewsTimeline365DaySlotLabelFormat' => FALSE,
'viewsTimeline365DayTitleFormat' => '',
- 'viewsAgendaOneDayButtonText' => 'day',
+ 'viewsAgendaOneDayButtonText' => t('day'),
'viewsAgendaOneDayDuration' => array('days' => 1),
- 'viewsAgendaSevenDayButtonText' => 'week',
+ 'viewsAgendaSevenDayButtonText' => t('week'),
'viewsAgendaSevenDayDuration' => array('days' => 7),
'resourceAreaWidth' => '25%',
Closed: outdated
Not all content is available!
It's likely this issue predates Contrib.social: some issue and comment data are missing.
No more support for BAT on Drupal 7.
Latest BAT for Drupal 10 has most of the bugs fixed.
Consider upgrading.