Seeking new maintainer

Created on 22 January 2018, about 7 years ago
Updated 12 October 2024, 5 months ago

NOTE: The text here is intended to be copy/pasted to a new issue Seeking new maintainer for the project you intend to apply the pledge on (details).

The Open Ownership Pledge stimulates involvement of new developers in a project (module, theme) by the current maintainer's promise that supplied patches:

  • are reviewed as quickly as is reasonable
  • are committed with attribution, therefore showing on the profile page of the author
  • lead to co-maintainership for ANY issue tagged with the Open Ownership Pledge (the patch can then be committed by the author themselves)
  • lead to ownership (lead maintainer) if done for ALL project issues tagged Open Ownership Pledge (unless this issue is set to Fixed which probably means the maintainer is still in the process of selecting issues to tag).

It stimulates project owners else to handover ownership by:

  • being able to indicate issues to be solved for:
    • continued development
    • testing the capabilities of a potential new owner
  • providing some rules in the form of an oath by the new owner to guarantee good maintainership and continued development also after passing ownership.

Here is a list of projects and issues that have the Open Ownership Pledge applied .

Oath by the current owner (lead maintainer)

This project's current owner promises:

  • to transfer ownership to anyone that solves ALL issues tagged Open Ownership Pledge
  • that anyone solving ONE of those issues will be added as a CO-maintainer immediately to commit their patch themselves
  • to not remove any existing project maintainers and leave all their permissions as they are
  • to keep the note stating the original author, if present
  • to not remove the previous Supporting organizations, if present
  • to transfer ownership back to the last previous owner or by reopening this issue for an ownership change if the necessary time for maintainership can not be dedicated anymore
  • the ownership does not pass to someone that does not has a proven track record related to the module solving relative complex issues
  • to keep this pledge in place
  • to perform good maintainership.

The previous owners can and hopefully will remain active as co-maintainers and should not be removed, even if not active anymore.

What is good maintainership?

How to apply for ownership on a pledged project

Just submit your patches for ALL the unresolved project issues that are tagged with the Open Ownership Pledge, these are the active child issues listed in the side bar on the right. Assign the issues to yourself to show others you are working on them (also un-assign if you become inactive on an issue). Once done add a comment. Sample text:

I want project ownership and I promise to abide to the conditions of the Open Ownership Pledge as described. I have provided patches for all of the corresponding issues.

Do the same in the corresponding issue in the Project Ownership queue .

After an ownership change

The Open Ownership Pledge still applies but should not be right away be open for another ownership change.

  1. Remove the notice on the project page (#3 above).
  2. Set the status of the project issue Seeking new maintainer to Fixed .
  3. Check if all the issues tagged Open Ownership Pledge are set as Fixed .

Reopen for an ownership change

By the current owner

  • When there are enough new complex issues and the current owner is not able to give the project enough "love" anymore or just wants to hand the baton to someone capable. They can also contact the previous owners with a request to take over instead of opening for a new ownership change to someone new.

By the co-maintainers

  • If it appears development or maintenance has stalled for a substantial period and the current owner does not have objections or does not respond within two weeks on a proposal to reactivate this issue to seek a new maintainer.


  1. Select a series of unresolved relatively complex issues in the queue and tag them with Open Ownership Pledge.
  2. Set the status of the project issue Seeking new maintainer to Active .
  3. Do the same for the corresponding issue in the Project Ownership queue and set the issue component back to Needs maintainers. Obviously with a comment about the reason to seek a new maintainer (lack of time, just passing the baton to someone capable, etc.).
  4. Restore the notice on the project page.
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🇮🇹Italy lolandese Turin, Italy

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