- πΊπΈUnited States smustgrave
Not entirely sure this is correct
I can't find any reference of respondToAjax in the repo so not sure this is the correct example
In the Ajax API documentation, the example references the contrib module config_translation β , which last had a commit in 2013 and is marked as obsolete.
As a result:
* The example form API array won't work on a newly installed Drupal core.
* It doesn't follow usual module folder structure (lib/ rather than src/?)
* DateFormat::ajaxSample still treats $form_state as an array, not a FormStateInterface object.
* More generally, the example won't be receiving any updates in the future.
See e.g. http://cgit.drupalcode.org/config_translation/tree/lib/Drupal/config_tra...
Add an example of a callback in the relevant .api.php file in core, and reference this instead. Probably even rearrange the documentation, so the callback is first: that way the #ajax
Form API example will work "straight away".
This means the docs can still link out to other examples, but they're not dependent on them being kept up to date.
1. Add example to documentation.
2. Review and approve patch.
Needs work
10.1 β¨
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It's likely this issue predates Contrib.social: some issue and comment data are missing.
Not entirely sure this is correct
I can't find any reference of respondToAjax in the repo so not sure this is the correct example