- 🇫🇷France DrDam
Hi all, just an update here.
The module "multi_crop" is now deprecated and replace by media_contextual_crop → suite now fully Drupal 10 compatible.
The suite are compose with 5 modules :
- media_contextual_crop → : as the core-api module
2 use_case modules ;
- media_contextual_crop_embed → : for croping media in ckeditor (4 & 5)
- media_contextual_crop_field_formatter → : for cropping in media reference fields
2 crop plugin adapters :
- Focal Point adapter →
- Image Widget Crop adapter → : for cropping in media reference fields - 🇫🇷France DrDam
I'm still working on the subject (crop on media), and I've just modified the approach of my solution.
Until now (on version 1.x of the media_contextual_crop suite → ), I had to duplicate the image source in order to stay within the standards of image generation by ImageStyle and the Crop_API module.For version 2.x of the media_contextual_crop suite → (nearly released), I'd like to do away with the need to duplicate sources, and to do so I need to store a context in the CROP entity itself.
The patch I'm proposing goes in this direction.The "retrieval" part of the context ( in the ``findCrop`` method) still needs to be fine-tuned.
- 🇫🇷France DrDam
Just an update of the patch, in order to fix conflict between overrided and non-overided usages
- 🇫🇷France DrDam
@woprr, @miro_dietiker :
Stop me if I say something stupid. It seems, the subject of the issue concerns two different aspects.
1- The "re-usage" of image (I.E. using media entities reference fields instead of image fields.
In reality, the point should cover all cases where the image file is carried by an "intermediate entity", not just media.
This case have it's own issue #2983622 → , and the media_contextual_crop suite → address only the "media case".2- The couple "Image-Crop Type" which are more restrictive than the "core Image-style" couple (in the image-styling process).
This case (I think it's the original subject of the issue) are if you use a CropType (ex : 16:9) in multiple styles ( large_16_9 , tiny_16_9), the implementation of the CROP Entity DOES NOT ALLOW to define two "crop settings" for the same image (one for each style). Maybe this is a "non-use-case", so nothing to say about.PS :In order to keep this debate cleaner, I propose to move my comments about the media_contextual_crop suite to #2983622 (if @woprr re-open it)