The lib/Drupal// convention is not suitable for everything, so the programmer has the option to change himself the namespace of its registered classes. This is easily done by the following snippet:
$loader = drupal_classloader();
$loader->registerNamespace('MyFancyNamespace', DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . drupal_get_path('module', 'myfancymodule') . '/lib');
This is pure glue code which is not fun to write and maintain, we could make it sexier, by allowing programmer to specify its namespace directly within the .info/yaml file.
Moreover, if you change all your modules namespace, it feels we are adding execution time because the original routine for registering namespace depends on module_list(). We can improve it.
Proposed resolution
Writing the namespace as following in the module's .info file:
name = My fancy module
description = My fancy description
namespaces[Drupal\user] = /lib
prefixes[SOME_PEAR_PREFIX] = /lib
namespaces[Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation] = /vendor
This make sense because we don't have to allocate a hook_init() for defining new classes. We can also re-factor the registering routing so that it register only the namespace needed and not the list of enabled modules, plus the custom namespaces which will overwrite default defined namespaces.