Notice: Undefined index: #field_name in file_managed_file_save_upload()

Created on 30 January 2013, about 12 years ago
Updated 24 February 2025, 12 days ago

When I add a FAPI managed file field to a non-entity form and upload a file when the sites/default/files directory has insufficient permissions to write I get the following message:

Notice: Undefined index: #field_name in file_managed_file_save_upload() (line 638 of /var/www/ae7/modules/file/file.module).

The problem being that on non-entity forms #field_name is not set.

This affects things like the media module, along with these other issues:
#1373046: Zen | Notice: Undefined index: #field_name in file_managed_file_save_upload() | line 630 file.module
#1218048: Notice: Undefined index: #field_name in file_managed_file_save_upload()

So either the problem is that non-entity form elements should be getting a #field_name, or other modules should not be relying on #field_name being there.

It seems like it should be the former.

I still need to check drupal 8 for the same issue.

🐛 Bug report

Needs work


11.0 🔥



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🇦🇺Australia rooby

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  • 🇦🇺Australia imclean Tasmania


    +++ b/core/modules/file/file.module
    @@ -1435,7 +1435,7 @@ function file_managed_file_save_upload($element, FormStateInterface $form_state)
    -    \Drupal::logger('file')->notice('The upload directory %directory for the file field %name could not be created or is not accessible. A newly uploaded file could not be saved in this directory as a consequence, and the upload was canceled.', ['%directory' => $destination, '%name' => $element['#field_name']]);
    +    \Drupal::logger('file')->notice('TThe upload directory %directory for the %name field could not be created or is not accessible, so the uploaded file was not saved.', ['%directory' => $destination, '%name' => $element['#field_name']]);

    From the issue summary:

    The problem being that on non-entity forms #field_name is not set

    This issue is about removing the reliance on $element['#field_name'] being set.

    Another way this problem shows itself is if the %name parameter is NULL when file.module logs an error, then the dblog page displays a white screen with the text "The website encountered an unexpected error. Try again later." The only way to fix this is to delete the entry in the watchdog table.

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