Taxonomy autocomplete produces Invalid multibyte sequences and PDO errors

Created on 26 February 2012, about 13 years ago
Updated 18 January 2025, about 2 months ago

I use Drupal 7.12 with the french translations + I use french content with accents.

When I try to add tags to an article, the autocomplete does not work.
When I try to save the article with the tags, I have the following errors:

Warning : htmlspecialchars(): Invalid multibyte sequence in argument dans check_plain() (ligne 1572 dans /var/www/
PDOException : dans DrupalDefaultEntityController->load() (ligne 196 dans /var/www/
Le site Web a rencontré une erreur inattendue. Veuillez essayer de nouveau plus tard.

There is no way to add tags.

I have readed the following thread and tried the following patch (adapted to the 7.12 version) with no success!

Please help me :)

💬 Support request

Closed: cannot reproduce


7.0 ⚰️



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  • Needs backport to D7

    After being applied to the 8.x branch, it should be considered for backport to the 7.x branch. Note: This tag should generally remain even after the backport has been written, approved, and committed.

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It's likely this issue predates some issue and comment data are missing.

  • 🇳🇿New Zealand luke.stewart

    This has been sitting as postponed for the last 13 years.

    It looks like it was reported for Drupal 7.

    Issue was only reproduced with specific data.

    Looks like the original reporters account is no longer active.

    Seems like a potentially related issue is fixed.

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