[meta] Important project announcements

Created on 14 June 2011, over 13 years ago
Updated 2 February 2025, about 1 month ago

Important: To keep the noise low in this issue, please don't comment here but in the specific issue referenced by me. If you'd like to make an announcement, please contact me so I can see whether it is generally important enough. This issue is only intended for information regarding the Search API itself, and only in rare cases regarding extension modules.

It's been bugging me for a while that there is no good way to reach all people interested in the Search API at once. Only few will regularly scan all new issues (I think), and the project page won't be re-read that often, either.

I've tried to at least consistently tag issues with API changes lately, but a) I don't think many people are aware of that, b) I don't always think of it and c) there are sometimes other important developments that people should be aware of.

So this is a new try for such a list of announcements. People can just follow this issue using the 'Follow' button at the top right of the page and I'll try to mention important issues or news here. Do not post a comment to subscribe, as this will email everyone already following the issue.

E.g., currently #1182614: Integrate with Facet API looks like it could bring quite a huge change to the project, and people coding for facets (or backends with facet support) should probably keep an eye on it.

📌 Task






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🇦🇹Austria drunken monkey Vienna, Austria

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