- 🇺🇸United States smustgrave
Seems some help text was added in #322703: Use on/off checkbox to enable node's menu item → that I think overrides this. If anyone disagrees please reopen updating issue summary for D10 and up.
When adding a node, a couple of users who found and clicked the "Provide a menu link" checkbox noticed the weight field to help things get on the front page/were generally confused by this/got tripped-up.
Solutions discussed in wrap-up:
1) "Enable some form of a visual reordering tool.
2) Just remove weight field from pages without visual reordering tool.
Closed: outdated
Not all content is available!
It's likely this issue predates Contrib.social: some issue and comment data are missing.
Seems some help text was added in #322703: Use on/off checkbox to enable node's menu item → that I think overrides this. If anyone disagrees please reopen updating issue summary for D10 and up.