Account created on 22 October 2010, over 14 years ago

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🇪🇸Spain eidoscom

I figured out that you can translate the menu item using the menu interface but it will be very useful to do it on the term editing page like the content

🇪🇸Spain eidoscom

Hello @london6339, the code that I shared has nothing to do with it.

Not 100% sure but as the label is not stored in the DDBB, you can not access the label using Views.

Nevertheless, you can easily make a link with the label inside views by using the fields that you want for create the label and then link it to the profile.

🇪🇸Spain eidoscom

What I did to change the label is:

1. Create a module named profile_label
2. Create profile_label.module file with this content:


 * Implements hook_entity_type_alter().
function profile_label_entity_type_alter(array &$entity_types) {
    // Reemplaza la clase de entidad Profile original con la personalizada.

3. Create the src/Entity/Profile.php file with this content:


namespace Drupal\profile_label\Entity;

use Drupal\profile\Entity\Profile as BaseProfile;

 * Defines the custom profile entity class.
class Profile extends BaseProfile {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function label() {
    // Customize the logic to generate the profile label here.
     // You can call the original implementation using parent::label() if necessary.
     // For example:
     // $original_label = parent::label();
     // Customize $original_label to your needs.
     // Your custom logic to generate the profile label here.
    $first_name = $this->get('field_nom')->getString();
    $last_name = $this->get('field_primer_cognom')->getString();
    //$curs = "(" . $this->get('field_curs')->getString() .")";

    if($first_name != "" && $last_name != "") {
      $custom_label = "$first_name $last_name";
      return $custom_label;


You can modify the logic to make your functionality. In my case, field_nom, field_cognom and field_curs are fields attached to the profile entity.

Hope this can help someone.

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