🇪🇸Spain @hip

Gijón, Asturias
Account created on 16 June 2004, over 20 years ago

Recent comments

🇪🇸Spain hip Gijón, Asturias

Just to make sure. I have (long ago) updated to Drupal 10. Is the any point to keep that module installed?

On the other hand I just got the '(Unsupported) ' message in the 'Available updates' page. I have v.4.1.0 upgrading to v.4.2 Why unsupported?

Sorry if it wasn't meant to be asked here but seemed most appropriate as related to above main question. Ty

🇪🇸Spain hip Gijón, Asturias

It definitely seems a caché issue. I tried installing the app in a new device (never accessed that site before) and new footer images appear. But on the previous device, which does have accessed the site and app before, no luck. Nor even reinstalling. Any clue? TIA

🇪🇸Spain hip Gijón, Asturias

Ty @elaman I'll give it a try and an update this evening.

🇪🇸Spain hip Gijón, Asturias

Anyone? My app is useless if users can't 'react'. T.I.A.

🇪🇸Spain hip Gijón, Asturias

Same here. After update I have to change every node one by one in order to set (default) value to 'open' to everyone. Not an easy task as I have over 5k nodes.

Any suggestion about how to solve it? What changed since latest update?

Production build 0.71.5 2024