volkswagenchick → credited weekbeforenext → .
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volkswagenchick → credited weekbeforenext → .
volkswagenchick → credited weekbeforenext → .
volkswagenchick → credited weekbeforenext → .
volkswagenchick → credited weekbeforenext → .
volkswagenchick → credited weekbeforenext → .
volkswagenchick → credited weekbeforenext → .
volkswagenchick → credited weekbeforenext → .
volkswagenchick → credited weekbeforenext → .
volkswagenchick → credited weekbeforenext → .
volkswagenchick → credited weekbeforenext → .
I resolved merge conflicts with the MR.
weekbeforenext → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
volkswagenchick → credited weekbeforenext → .
volkswagenchick → credited weekbeforenext → .
volkswagenchick → credited weekbeforenext → .
volkswagenchick → credited weekbeforenext → .
Invoice #1043 sent.
Payment transferred, Transaction ID: 23597630033
The invoice has been paid.
Throwing some breakpoints in the area of conditional_fields.js under the comment "// Override state change handlers for dependents with special effects." and comparing between 4.0.0-alpha5 on Drupal core 10.2.11 and 4.0.0-alpha6 on Drupal core 10.3.10 I see a difference in the handler arguments.
If I put a breakpoint on `originalHander(e);` this is the comparison:
4.0.0-alpha5 on Drupal core 10.2.11 (working):
4.0.0-alpha6 on Drupal core 10.3.10 (not working):
The Type Error from the screenshot looks something like this:
TypeError: 'caller', 'callee', and 'arguments' properties may not be accessed on strict mode functions or the arguments objects for calls to them
at Function.invokeGetter (<anonymous>:3:28)
at events.<computed>.handler (
at HTMLDocument.dispatch (
at v.handle (
at Object.trigger (
at HTMLDivElement.<anonymous> (
at Function.each (
at ce.fn.init.each (
at ce.fn.init.trigger (
at states.Dependent.reevaluate (
This seems to be working for me again locally on 4.0.0-alpha6 if I apply the Drupal core patch from 🐛 Form field #states not woring with entity reference fields Active and revert conditional_fields.js to the alpha5 version. The remaining issues with the javascript can be followed in this issue: 🐛 Interdependent field conditions not working: "Undefined" value set Active .
weekbeforenext → created an issue.
If anyone needs a patch that can apply to 2.1.0 you can use this file. The MR patches don't apply because the packaging info is in the file. This is a bandaid fix.
If anyone needs a patch for 1.0,0-beta6, you can use this one. The other patches don't apply to that version because of the d.o packaging info added to the file.
I resolved merge conflicts in the MR, but the functionality isn't working as expected on my site. I will be circling back to this.
weekbeforenext → changed the visibility of the branch conditional_fields-3063335-3063335-4 to hidden.
weekbeforenext → changed the visibility of the branch 3063335 to hidden.
Invoice #1042 sent.
Payment transferred, Transaction ID: 252961279
The invoice has been paid.
volkswagenchick → credited weekbeforenext → .
mherchel → credited weekbeforenext → .
seantwalsh → credited weekbeforenext → .
johnpicozzi → credited weekbeforenext → .
johnpicozzi → credited weekbeforenext → .
markie → credited weekbeforenext → .
Updated the branch for Merge Request 1 to fix merge conflicts upstream. Looks like I screwed up my git config for to find my account.
weekbeforenext → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
volkswagenchick → credited weekbeforenext → .
volkswagenchick → credited weekbeforenext → .
volkswagenchick → credited weekbeforenext → .
volkswagenchick → credited weekbeforenext → .
volkswagenchick → credited weekbeforenext → .
volkswagenchick → credited weekbeforenext → .
volkswagenchick → credited weekbeforenext → .
volkswagenchick → credited weekbeforenext → .
Moved this issue to the MOSA project.
seantwalsh → credited weekbeforenext → .
weekbeforenext → created an issue.
Digging a little more into the code from #3469550 I'm understanding that I can revoke the "Create translations", "Delete translations", and "Edit translations" and leave the "Manage translations for any entity that the user can edit" permission enabled to get the functionality to work as I expect it to...
My bad. Closing this, but I hope it helps others that run across this issue.
weekbeforenext → created an issue.
The tests that are failing are tests I added. I will try to circle back to this on my own time.
mherchel → credited weekbeforenext → .
weekbeforenext → created an issue.
New config to indicate whether the site allows mixed-case paths or lowercase only. Based on that indicator, we ensure redirects aren't created that cause redirect loops. I think a similar functionality was available in the Drupal 7 version, so I went this route.
I don't know the history of not including it for D8+, so happy to pivot to another path that protects us against redirect loops.
volkswagenchick → credited weekbeforenext → .
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volkswagenchick → credited weekbeforenext → .
volkswagenchick → credited weekbeforenext → .
volkswagenchick → credited weekbeforenext → .
volkswagenchick → credited weekbeforenext → .
volkswagenchick → credited weekbeforenext → .
volkswagenchick → credited weekbeforenext → .
volkswagenchick → credited weekbeforenext → .
volkswagenchick → credited weekbeforenext → .
volkswagenchick → credited weekbeforenext → .
volkswagenchick → credited weekbeforenext → .
volkswagenchick → credited weekbeforenext → .
markie → credited weekbeforenext → .
Made some updates to the update hook because it's not working on my site, but also continues to not work on my site.
The original issue I experienced was an alias was changed, only capitalizing some letters. When this happened, a redirect was created from a completely lowercase version to a mixed-case version and caused a redirect loop.
Aside from the update hook not setting the new config value, my updates do allow for toggling between allowing mixed-case URLs in redirects and aliases and working only with lower case URLs.
In thinking about possible validation and checking if there are already aliases or redirects with mixed-case, a query like this seems to work:
select * from path_alias where alias regexp binary '[A-Z]';
I would like some input on the direction I'm heading before I add more functionality and tests.
This functionality seemed to be important enough to be included in the main module. My site doesn't use the redirect_domain sub module, so I created MR !102 working towards a main module solution.
Next steps:
- Manual testing
- Review/fix pipeline issues
- Write tests
I opted to set the new config value to false if the module is newly installed, but to true if the module is being updated. This is because a site could have mixed-case aliases and redirects and I don't want it to break functionality. I guess this isn't completely foolproof because a site can have aliases before enabling this module.
Thinking "out loud"
An additional feature when toggling the case-sensitivity off or updating the module might be to check if the site does have mixed-case URLs and provide a log message. We could provide a validation error that doesn't allow the user to toggle the option off if there are paths that would be affected. Maybe a batch update feature, if one doesn't already exist.
weekbeforenext → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
volkswagenchick → credited weekbeforenext → .
volkswagenchick → credited weekbeforenext → .
volkswagenchick → credited weekbeforenext → .
volkswagenchick → credited weekbeforenext → .
volkswagenchick → credited weekbeforenext → .
volkswagenchick → credited weekbeforenext → .
volkswagenchick → credited weekbeforenext → .