🇬🇧United Kingdom lpc
What is the status of a patch for this issue?
Patch #59 📌 [PP-1] Expose Layout Builder data to REST and JSON:API Postponed works well.
🇬🇧United Kingdom lpc
Tested patch manually on Umami (8.7.8) and multilingual website I am working on (8.7.7). I can confirm that Default content exports layout builder configuration.
"layout_builder__layout": [
"section": {
"layout_id": "layout_onecol",
"layout_settings": [],
"components": {
"7ac803f4-47bf-45c6-bfda-cd53baa6bf06": {
"uuid": "7ac803f4-47bf-45c6-bfda-cd53baa6bf06",
"region": "content",
"configuration": {
"label_display": "0",
"context_mapping": {
"entity": "layout_builder.entity"
"id": "extra_field_block:node:page_laybout_builder:>
"additional": [],
"weight": 0
"a2e569b1-224c-4e3a-9569-03d0db59f2f0": {
"uuid": "a2e569b1-224c-4e3a-9569-03d0db59f2f0",
"region": "content",
"configuration": {
"label_display": "0",
"context_mapping": {
"entity": "layout_builder.entity"
"id": "field_block:node:page_laybout_builder:body",
"formatter": {
"label": "hidden",
"type": "text_default",
"settings": [],
"third_party_settings": []
"16c0a1b9-9fb5-4b5d-9f71-bc30c84d65bd": {
"uuid": "16c0a1b9-9fb5-4b5d-9f71-bc30c84d65bd",
"region": "content",
"configuration": {
"id": "inline_block:basic",
"label": "reger",
"provider": "layout_builder",
"label_display": "visible",
"view_mode": "full",
"block_revision_id": "7",
"block_serialized": null,
"context_mapping": []
"additional": [],
"weight": 2
"third_party_settings": []