🇮🇳India @chandrashekhar_srijan

Account created on 18 August 2010, over 14 years ago

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I attempted to replicate the issue on my local machine using Drupal 10.1.1-dev along with linked_field V8.x-1.x-dev. However, I was unable to reproduce the issue. I have attaching the screenshot for the reference.

The #2 MR is applied successfully for force_password_change 2.0.x-dev. It is working.
Attaching the video screenshot for the reference.
Test Steps:

  • Setup Drupal with Masquerade and Force Password Change
  • Enable Masquerade module (masquerade) and Force Password Change (force_password_change).

I have reviewed the patch #2. Still Unused variable $year_pos is showing. It needs to be removed.

 640 | WARNING | [ ] Unused variable $year_pos.
 643 | WARNING | [ ] Unused variable $year_pos.

The above MR is applied successfully for Masquerade v8.x-2.x-dev. It is working.
Attaching the screenshot for the reference.
Test Steps:

The patch applied successfully. The message is getting logged at admin/reports/dblog. But i suggest to change the message.

It is preferable to say View data export has completed successfully and the export file is downloaded.

I have implemented the patch on my local machine using Backup and Migrate V5.0.x. All unused variable is now removed. I am attaching the screenshot for the reference.

Production build 0.71.5 2024