It seems this process, if I read it correctly, assumes that the old D7 site is running in a DDEV instance and that the new D10 site can be spun up on the same server as another DDEV instance, in order to be able to connect the D10 site to the D7 database, right? How would one follow this migration process if the D7 site is hosted on a shared host account, and the D10 site will be a local dev site until tested and ready to push live?
hondaman900 β created an issue.
Composer install still not working. please update.
No, I'm afraid not, no backup. This is running locally with DDEV and I'm not too far into the project, so I can start over, that would only set me back a couple of days. I was hoping there was either a way to restore the deleted view or stop the homepage from requiring that view mode so that my content promoted to the front page would reappear.
So I resolved this by installing PHP on my laptop (above and beyond the PHP within (and isolated to) the DDEV instance) and then running the PHP web/core/scripts/drupal generate-theme my_new_theme
command outside of DDEV in the project folders. That created the required starterkit theme folders and files. Then going back to DDEV and continuing on from there worked fine.
I was also told on this journey that DDEV runs commands from the project root, regardless of the folder you run the command from. So I should have run the DDEV command with the full path including the web folder.
So, the end result is good, with two solutions: (1) run the command outside of DDEV and (2) run the command in DDEV but use the full path regardless of where the command is run from.
Thank you for all the help resolving this.
Ok, so I gave it a shot and installed PHP 8.1
outside of DDEV
and ran the starterkit command successfully.
I'm wondering why this doesn't work though inside the virtual instance. Perhaps this should be corrected/enabled for future users?
Thanks for the help with this - I'm now good to go.
Apologies for mistakenly portraying this as the starterkit being missing which, in retrospect, wasn't the case.
@cilefen running the command without DDEV
gives an error saying there's no PHP
and prompting me to install it. This makes sense as without DDEV
at the beginning of the command I'm doing that outside the virtual instance which has its own isolated PHP
I'm reluctant to follow the prompt and install PHP
as I have no idea if this will interfere with the DDEV
environment and the site. Ideally installing PHP
on my system will not bleed over or effect my DDEV
environment, and if not, then running the command outside of DDEV
may be enough to generate the subtheme and move on?
Seems that with the prevalence of DDEV
that this would have come up with someone else prior to now...?
Thank you, that worked.
hondaman900 β created an issue.
This is the command and response I get:
stephen@stephen-ubuntu:~/rvmn/web$ ddev . php core/scripts/drupal generate-theme RVNM
Could not open input file: core/scripts/drupal
Failed to execute command php core/scripts/drupal generate-theme RVNM: exit status 1
@longwave I get this response to the following command:
stephen@stephen-ubuntu:~/rvmn/web$ ddev . php core/scripts/drupal generate-theme RVNM
Could not open input file: core/scripts/drupal
Failed to execute command php core/scripts/drupal generate-theme RVNM: exit status 1
hondaman900 β created an issue.
As of today (01.29.2024) the
file, as installed via composer command given in the module info page
composer require 'drupal/hero_block:^1.3'
is still missing
core_version_requirement: ^9 || ^10
thus prompting Drupal 10 to crash.
@cilefen UPDATE
Am I missing something here? I've downloaded several Drupal core zips going back to 2022 (10.0.0) and none have the core/scrips/drupal
Is there some additional installation process that needs to be done after downloading the core to implement the theme starterkit?
@cilefen did you try this on the current 10.2.2 download? As shown in the screenshot, that folder and it's contents are not in the 10.2.2 package. It can't possibly work.
hondaman900 β created an issue.
Ok, this is weird. I have to be missing something, or perhaps the starterkit is no longer available?
I downloaded the current D10 zip package, and it too has no drupal
folder in scrips that holds the starterkit script.
What the heck am I missing?
I'm going to start a new thread asking what happened to this folder and script in the current download.
Thanks, but my issue is not anything to do with the web folder or the root of the command. My instance of Drupal 10 pulled down by DDEV doesn't have the drupal folder with the scripts in it, so the command can't find the starterkit script to run.
See CLI screenshot in prior post and this one.
At this point I think I need to see if I can manually fix this. I think I'll download the core distribution, unzip it and manually copy over the missing pieces if I can figure out what all is missing.
I don't suppose there's a separate starterkit module/theme I could install to correct this?
Yes, I was already in the web
folder, but of course the reader wouldn't know that. I was following step-by-step in the Drupal 10 Development Cookbook from Packt (pg. 258)
All references I have found for how to use the theme starterkit simply give that command. Here is a typical example of such a resource:
Here's a screenshot of the error I get and a listing of the directory where thois is supposed to be.
Yes, my apologies. I posted here but then when I saw how infrequently posts got answers here, I second-guessed my post location and thought it more appropriate for the post-installation issue forum.
Many thanks for letting me know how to identify that as a duplicate.
So, I installed Adminimal β as my administration theme and it Tara settings are visible and work great, and looks awesome. In fact, I wish I had found that admin theme a long time ago - it's great.
Thanks Ravis for the quick response.
Well, you may be onto something. I was already in Claro for the administrative theme. I changed it to Olivero and could then see the other settings options in the accordion headings. Switching back to Claro disappeared them again.
The problem is that Olivero is a horrible and unmanageable theme for the Drupal admin. As a workaround I'll try to find an alternative admin theme.
I'm building this for a client and expect them to like the theme and purchase the whole package, but need it to work without issue.
hondaman900 β created an issue.