barbarae β created an issue.
execute drush entup to fix missing entity types
barbarae β created an issue.
I am having this problem - I have "Administer software updates" privilege (I am an administrator - in fact it is my site and I created it) but I get the error message "In order to run update.php you need to either have "Administer software updates" permission or have set $settings['update_free_access'] in your settings.php."
I have the problem from this stream even though it is marked as fixed. My site runs ok on drupal 9.5.10 with civicrm 5.62.0 until I try to upgrade civicrm to either 5.62.1 or civicrm 5.62.2. Then I get the error mentioned below:
/CimarronRES/sites/default/files/css/css_J-2CXAdyTZY8175zy0hWbrQ9H-g_PZRZY9cQ86ikAsI.css:1 GET 404
This is the expanded code from the GET:
The initial would not find any correct files because it is missing my sub domain. But the second expanded code GET has the correct sub domain (CimarronRES).
I cannot logon to my site at all because of the missing sub domain (CimarronRES) in the initial reference
I am not a "coder" so even though I can debug a bit, I do not know how/where to fix this ?
Thank you for any help - barbarae (PS I have been using drupal with civicrm since 2008 and gone through the drupal 7 to drupal 9 upgrades).
barbarae β made their first commit to this issueβs fork.