Looks like the context parameter is still there, but not sure if just removing that will savely remove the issue. But this at least prevents throwing the error.
Looks (to me) like the patch is already merged in Paragraphs 8.x-1.18 ?But not sure. Maybe i am missing something ...
Hi there!
Currently on Drupal 10.3.6 and Paragraphs 8.x-1.18.
I tried to apply patch #8 → but its currently failing.
The Error:
TypeError: Drupal\paragraphs_viewmode\Plugin\paragraphs\Behavior\ParagraphsViewmodeBehavior::entityViewModeAlter(): Argument #3 ($context) must be of type array, null given, called in /var/www/html/web/modules/contrib/paragraphs_viewmode/paragraphs_viewmode.module on line 39 in Drupal\paragraphs_viewmode\Plugin\paragraphs\Behavior\ParagraphsViewmodeBehavior->entityViewModeAlter() (line 175 of modules/contrib/paragraphs_viewmode/src/Plugin/paragraphs/Behavior/ParagraphsViewmodeBehavior.php).
Could not figure out why patch is not working. Many thanks!