πŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΉAustria @elek

Account created on 20 September 2006, almost 18 years ago

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πŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΉAustria elek

Had the same problem.
Confirmation mails are send as plain-text (see /admin/config/content/formats).
If this plain-text format has "Convert URLs into links" enabled you have to put a higher value in the option "Maximum link text length".
That solves the tuncated links.

πŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΉAustria elek

Thank you @mpdonadio, #3 made all clear for me. Don't know why I hat US-english instead of german in my browser settings. Well, I don't care or play around with those settings.

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