🇮🇳India @SenthilMohith

Account created on 16 May 2010, almost 15 years ago

Recent comments

🇮🇳India SenthilMohith Chennai

I have created this patch for the latest version 1.1.x. I tried this and it's working as expected. Please refer the attached screenshot.

🇮🇳India SenthilMohith Chennai

Block annotation is wrongly updated. Also removed the translation markup in the admin label is not required for the annotations.

🇮🇳India SenthilMohith Chennai

Please refer the attached patch will resolve this issue.

🇮🇳India SenthilMohith Chennai

I am also faced this "Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property Drupal\component\Plugin\Block\ComponentBlock::$uuid is deprecated in PHP-8.3 & 8.2. I have applied that patch #4 in composer.json, after the "composer install" the deprecated issue has been resolved.

🇮🇳India SenthilMohith Chennai

Created a patch for the config sync file.
File: /modules/webform_demo/webform_demo_event_registration/config/optional/block.block.bartik_webform_demo_event_registration.yml

🇮🇳India SenthilMohith Chennai


Created a patch to get the Valid SID and token from the key configurations. Kindly validate from your end and confirm.

🇮🇳India SenthilMohith Chennai


Still we are able to get this error "[HTTP 401] Unable to create record: Authentication Error - invalid username", if the Key module is installed. In the Twilio Settings admin form (/admin/config/system/twilio), Twilio Account SID and Twilio authentication token information stored as a key. Due to this valid SID and Token not passed correctly via Twilio REST Client.

File: /twilio/src/Form/TwilioAdminForm.php
Line no: 94

    $key_exists = $this->moduleHandler->moduleExists('key');

    if ($key_exists) {
      $form['account'] = [
        '#type' => 'key_select',
        '#required' => TRUE,
        '#default_value' => $config->get('account'),
        '#title' => $this->t('Twilio Account SID'),
      $form['token'] = [
        '#type' => 'key_select',
        '#required' => TRUE,
        '#default_value' => $config->get('token'),
        '#title' => $this->t('Twilio authentication token'),

Proposed solution: We should get the valid SID and Token from the selected keys.

🇮🇳India SenthilMohith Chennai

Yes, the above error occurred in the consumers module. Got the below error while navigating to the page /admin/config/services/consumer.

TypeError: Drupal\consumers\Entity\Consumer::getClientId(): Return value must be of type string, null returned in Drupal\consumers\Entity\Consumer->getClientId() (line 252 of /var/www/docroot/modules/contrib/consumers/src/Entity/Consumer.php)

I have applied the patch #4 and it's loading the consumers page without any error.

Production build 0.71.5 2024