🇧🇪Belgium Amedee
The problem is that the module assumes that the original page is in English, and won't initially offer to translate in the current language.
Once you select another language, the page is no more in English, so it will appear in the selector.
I fixed it by hard-coding my site language in google_translator.module (French in my case):
164 unset($active_langages[0]);
165 if (!empty($active_langages)) {
166 $display_mode = variable_get('google_translator_active_languages_display_mode', '');
167 $display_mode = !empty($display_mode) ? 'layout: google.translate.TranslateElement.InlineLayout.' . $display_mode : '';
168 $default = "<span id='google_translator_element' class='google_translator'>{$close}</span><script>function googleTranslateElementInit() {
169 new google.translate.TranslateElement({
170 pageLanguage: 'fr', // <-- set site language here
171 includedLanguages: '" . implode(',', array_keys($active_langages)) . "'," . $display_mode . " }, 'google_translator_element');}</script>
172 <script src='//translate.google.com/translate_a/element.js?cb=googleTranslateElementInit'></script>";
173 }
174 return $default;
175 }
Ideally this should be a module configuration parameter