Account created on 18 August 2006, over 18 years ago

Merge Requests

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🇨🇦Canada g011um Saskatoon

I think replacing lines 40-48 in src/Plugin/MediaThumbnail/MediaThumbnailJp2.php with something like the following will address the issue. I'll see if I can create a fork and merge request with this change.

    // Convert the JP2 to a thumbnail JPEG
    $cmd = "convert " . $path . " -resize " . $width . "x" . $width . " /tmp/" . $filename . ".jpg 2>&1";
    exec($cmd, $output, $retval);
    if ($retval !== 0)  {
      return NULL;
🇨🇦Canada g011um Saskatoon

We're not using bat, fullcalendar or services. We have ctools installed but not enabled. HAL is installed and enabled.

We're primarily making use of JSON:API in core to create nodes from an external script. We do a POST to the "/node" URL, the node is created, but since upgrading from 10.1.7 to 10.2.0 the JSON response we get back is truncated. This seems to happen more frequently if we're creating a node with a formatted text field.

Our issues may not be related, but the fact that we are both seeing truncated JSON responses from Drupal after upgrading to 10.2.0 was enough that I thought I'd mention it.

🇨🇦Canada g011um Saskatoon

We've been having issues creating nodes via REST/JSONAPI since upgrading to 10.2.0 (10.1.7 worked flawlessly) and in searching for help with that, I came across this issue. Our problem is very similar; we POST data to create a node, and the JSON response returned is missing a few characters at the end, including the final ]} which renders the response invalid.

So I'm wondering your this issue might be related, and if the root cause might not be with bat_api itself, but perhaps something more central to Drupal -- some service/module responsible for HTTP responses, streams or conversion of data to JSON; something that might truncate the response?

It's perhaps a shot in the dark, but I thought I'd mention it, just in case it helped in debugging this issue. Maybe it's not your code that's at fault, maybe it's something in Drupal itself.

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