πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States @momolarson

Account created on 15 March 2010, over 14 years ago

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πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States momolarson

Thank you for responding, my issue is isolated to a box and is not repeatable in my production environment so I think we can disregard this.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States momolarson

My issue seems to be similar in that when I enable Aggregation, I get the 404 errors. I have tried all the techniques here, I have ensured my folders are writable. The only exception is that I do not use nginx, I am using Apache.

If I set "file_assets_path" to a valid, writeable path, when I inspect the css and js folders, they are empty: no files get written and I obviously get 404 errors.

What is interesting is that I am able to solve this issue by adding an invalid path to my $settings['file_assets_path'].

For instance, if I set $settings['file_assets_path'] = 'sites/default/files/optimized', I get errors. If I change that path to something invalid, such as $settings['file_assets_path'] = 'sites/defualt/files/optimized' Everything works! If I search for the files, I find them in the public directory: "sites/default/files/css" or "sites/default/files/js".

However, when I look in my inspector, the URLS to the CSS/JS files will include the invalid URL, however, it's still accessible.


find . -type f -name 'js_FBvJqd58OZT6lWslaaBedWyR2bsFZRC8pPvEoK4Rh6Q.js'

I have not been able to determine why this is the case, but it is the only consistent way to make this work. If there are suggestions on how to debug, I would appreciate that.

Production build 0.71.5 2024