🇪🇸Spain @carles.zapater

Account created on 1 March 2010, almost 15 years ago

Recent comments

🇪🇸Spain carles.zapater

Reviewed, everything works. Thanks.

🇪🇸Spain carles.zapater

You can see the 5.5.14 branch code:

 * @file
 * Affix for Bootstrap 5.
 * https://www.codeply.com/users/skelly
(function ($, Drupal, once) {

  'use strict';

  Drupal.behaviors.bootstrap_barrio_affix = {
    attach: function (context, settings) {
      var toggleAffix = function (affixElement, scrollElement, wrapper) {

        var height = affixElement.outerHeight(),
            top = wrapper.offset().top;

        if (scrollElement.scrollTop() >= top){
        else {


      once('affixed', '[data-toggle="affix"]', context).forEach((element) => {
        var ele = $(element),
            wrapper = $('<div></div>');

        $(window).on('scroll resize', function () {
            toggleAffix(ele, $(this), wrapper);

        // init
        toggleAffix(ele, $(window), wrapper);
})(jQuery, Drupal, once);

🇪🇸Spain carles.zapater

Please fix file 'js/affix.js'

Console error: $(...).once is not a function

🇪🇸Spain carles.zapater



- 43: - core/.jquery.once
+ 43: - core/once

29: $('[data-toggle="affix"]').once().each(function () {

Console error:

$(...).once is not a function

🇪🇸Spain carles.zapater

Sorry I want to filter log levels. If level checkboxes are selected in the configuration form, they are not filtered and all are passed.
I have also been able to observe that the 'log_levels' configuration of the configuration form is not used.
I have not seen in the source code that this setting is used.

🇪🇸Spain carles.zapater

Yes, I have added the service.

The problem is that ignores the 'before_breadcrumb' option. However, it does work with the 'before_send' option.

public function onOptionsAlter(\Drupal\raven\Event\OptionsAlter $alterEvent): void {
    // Disable Breadcrumb (Logging)
    // https://docs.sentry.io/platforms/php/enriching-events/breadcrumbs/#customize-breadcrumbs
    $alterEvent->options['before_send'] = function (\Sentry\Event $event): ?\Sentry\Event {
      if (in_array($event->getLevel(), ['warning', 'error', 'fatal'])) {
        return $event;
      return null;

I have also been able to observe that the 'log_levels' configuration of the configuration form is not used. Breadcrumbs of all levels are always created.

🇪🇸Spain carles.zapater

Tested in hook_cron()

function raven_sict_cron() {

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