Account created on 26 February 2010, almost 15 years ago

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🇪🇸Spain pakmanlh Barcelona

It seems there was an issue with the code checking an unexisting entity, I just updated it taking that into consideration.

🇪🇸Spain pakmanlh Barcelona

I can confirm the #11 patch works using the 3.0 version and Drupal 10 versions too.

🇪🇸Spain pakmanlh Barcelona

Just in case someone is trying to make the @prudloff snippet work, here you have what I finally ended up using:

 * Implements hook_theme_suggestions_HOOK_alter().
function foo_theme_suggestions_eva_display_entity_view_alter(array &$suggestions, array $variables) {
  /** @var \Drupal\views\ViewExecutable $view */
  $view = $variables['view'];

  $suggestions[] = implode('__', [
  $suggestions[] = implode('__', [

I think there are two different templates / issues, one coming from the Views module directly which as @askibinski rightly mentioned can be override as usual even though the suggestions are not showed up, but also there is another template coming from the EVA module which can be tweaked as the example from above.
Not sure if this should be part of the main module, I am changing the issue status so the maintainers can decide how to proceed.

🇪🇸Spain pakmanlh Barcelona

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Yes, I tried eventually and I remember making it work with the 6 version and thanks to the the package.json config e0ipso shared at some github comment, I will definitely try it again soon.

Any thoughts you would like to share? The sky is the limit

Thanks for this initiative. I like to dream thinking with Drupal Core having an integration with SDC all along, being able to use components through the display configuration and by the rest of the modules improving the theming experience and make the front-end work more versatile and scalable.

🇪🇸Spain pakmanlh Barcelona

I can confirm #8 works but sometimes the assumption of $complete_form['#type'] always existing can generate warning messages, for instance when you access `/admin/config/regional/language`when you have language module active.
I just added a check to mitigate this situation. Thanks!

🇪🇸Spain pakmanlh Barcelona

I can confirm this issue after enabling the "Show exposed filters" option and after I applied the #5 patch it worked nicely. Thanks for that!

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